Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's different being me

Do you ever have those days that are slightly surreal, not enough to be worth writing about or mentioning (unless you're me then it's a highlight of my week) but just really.....not normal. You can't put your finger on it but life is off kilter.

Being brave I fought through the oddness and to celebrate, or whatever, I went to the thrift store where they've done a major tidy up and all sorts of things have appeared. I could only stagger up the hill with a bag load so I had to resist buying the childs easel. Honestly I have got to get knocked up soon cos I have started buying second hand baby cardigans. Just for the buttons (SHE SAYS) but I took the buttons off one over two weeks ago and it's still here!

The ladies outdo themselves with their low prices sometimes. For $5 I got what I expected to cost me $15. The standout treasures included these:

A mint condition book of Noahs Ark knitting patterns. You can knit Noah and....Mrs Noah? (thats what the book calls her anyway) and the animals. I'll probably sell it because I can't knit and with carpal tunnel I won't be learning anytime soon (in reality my carpal tunnel gives me a chance to bitch and moan but I very rarely admit that its too sore to craft. Do the dishes hell yes, but craft no. I'm just sick of getting my tension so tight the needles wont move!) but I'd also possibly give it away in return for a knitted elephant. Hint, hint.

This was the score of all scores. Apparently it's from 1940 when they were asking people to knit for the boys.

Steady yourselves ladies, I know Errol Flynn here is hot. It's all in the smirk and the girlish cheekbones.

This is going right beside the 1950's Alice in Wonderland in the inheritance pile for my future kids. Everything I got was spiffy and new as a kid and I never learned the value of things. I hope that by sharing these treasures I'll be able to pass on a different message to my future kids.

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