Monday, July 02, 2007

Free time

Since I quit work to stay at home almost a week ago I have done nothing but clean. Wheres this mythical free time to craft? Dishes, laundry, wiping muddy cat prints off...everything. And right now there's a sink full of dishes and a line full of washing drying. Is someone else slipping their laundry and dishes in with mine? I'm not doing mine, so I definately am not doing yours!!

I really want to find a website with information on making cushion inners. I read somewhere that your inner needs to be made about an inch bigger than the cover so it's really stuffed in and wont settle as fast. But there's nothing online to help me check this before I start sewing.

1 comment:

Eva said...

I did my first pillow just recently. I did n`t make it bigger inside, because, once you stuff it with your filling material, it "grows" naturally bigger,so don`t worry. If you want, you can make half of centimeter or 1/5 of an inch bigger.
You should also consider that you need to fill the inner pillow bit more, as you like it to be, because any filling kind of a "shrinks", you know, the fluffiness goes away...Maybe sew a zipper to it, so you can fill it sometimes?
I was pleased with my pillow. It was only decorative one, not for sleeping.
Good luck, it`s really quite easy!