Thursday, August 23, 2007

Too tired to title this today

It may still be the end of winter but it was sunny all day, heavenly, and I got a good dose of it. As a result I am completely tired tonight. No crafting today like I had planned. In fact a nana nap sounds good. I'll be up until 2am as a result but hey I'll be ready to sew then.

Can you spot the bird?

Spring is coming...

Gettin arty farty...

This was yesterdays lesson. When you have a cat who will automatically hop into ANY open drawer or cupboard you have to shut them ALL. Even the high ones. He jumped on the bench and walked over a keyboard balanced on a monitor (precariously) to stick his nose into the cupboard.


Anonymous said...

what a sneaky kitty! i like your craft blog very cute!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the warmer weather and I love seeing all the Springf flowers