Friday, August 03, 2007

Teddy With Waistcoat

It was all about priorities today. I found myself at breakfast buttering my toast with a paring knife, eating my toast off a dinner plate and drinking my coke out of a coffee cup. Time to do the dishes? Yep. However, as I said it's all about priorities. Craft inspiration called out loudly from my new Toys To Sew book.

THIS is what the Teddys with Waistcoats look like in the book:

And THIS is what it looks like when I try make the toy featured in the book. Yep, I made a toy that looks like it should!!!

I'm not a handsewer at all, it's a skill I never bothered with it. So after sewing the sideseam shut, the muzzle on, the face and eyes I decided that sewing all the way around the face and ears was not vital, and so I gave up after hand stitching the ears so they stand out. It actually really works too.

It took me hours to make, but I am so so proud of it!! Next on the list: cat and mouse skittles!


pinklemonadelisa said...

He's a dapper little guy, great job, looks much better than my 1st soft toy attempt.

Eva said...

My favorite is the orange one!
So cute !